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That depends on what type of insect you are asking about.

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Q: Do insects lay eggs or give birth?
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Do insects give birth?

Insects do not give birth but only lay eggs

Do mosquitoes give birth or lay eggs?

Mosquitos lay eggs. They are not classified as mammals, they are classified as insects.

Do some insects give birth to live young?

no insects lay eggs they cant get brith

How does butterflies give birth eggs or live birth?

Butterflies, like nearly all insects, lay eggs.

How do Insect give birth?

Normally insects do not give birth. They lay eggs.

Does bat lay eggs or give birth to young alive?

Nope - insects lay eggs which hatch. They do not 'give birth'

Does silkworm give birth or lays eggs?

The silkworm itself does not lay eggs or give birth, it is just a caterpillar. It's adult form, a moth lays eggs as do nearly all insects.

Do irkens give birth or lay eggs?

Irkens are closely related to insects and infact do lay eggs. However how many and what size they are and how many in a clutch, is very debateable.

Does Chameleon give birth or lay eggs?

they lay eggs

How do ostriches give birth?

They lay eggs.

Do molly give birth or lay eggs?

Lay eggs

Does flamingos give birth or lay eggs?

They lay eggs :)