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i would feed them iceberg and romaine

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Q: Do it matter what kind of lettuce to feed your hamster?
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Can you feed letuce to guinea pigs?

yes of course you can! you can feed them mostly any kind of fruit and vegitable

What kind of veggies can you feed your hamster?

lettuce, tomato leaves, raw potatoes, cucumber. Don't feed them too many veggies, and introduce them in little portions or they'll have diarroea.

What kind of food is best for the hamster?

Hamsters really like maybe scraps raisins of bits of small fruit. Lettuce is recommended.

What do you feed to tortises?

You can feed them lettuce or carrots or any kind of vegetable (but no mater what they don't eat meat ).

What kind of lettuce should you feed your guinea pig?

head lettuce , avoid ice berge , all water no nutrtion

What kind of popcorn can a hamster eat?

Yes if you feed it popcorn it will die a slow and painful death....... Do not feed your hamster popcorn

What can you feed your dwarf hamster?

I buy my hamster some hamster food at Wal-Mart and it isn't expensive. If you don't want to do that, I also feed my hamster Special K. He LOVES it! You should get the kind with the yogurt clusters. Hamsters love that! Hope this helped! :) ~Ashley

What kind of food does a small land snail eat?

vegetables, tomatoes and lettuce DO NOT feed your snail citrus

What kind of seed do you feed your hamster?

You shouldn't feed your hamster seed except as an occasional treat according to my exotic vet as they will pick out only the things they love and not get a balanced diet rich in protein which the need. Get a pelleted or block type of hamster food to feed them properly. The seeded food also contribute to the hamster being overweight due to the fat content in seed preparations.

What kind of insects do teddy bear hamsters eat?

They eat ants but do not feed your hamster ants because if u bot it in captivaty it could get sick from ants. but u can feed you hamster ants if u found it in the whild.

What kind of food do hamster eat?

these are good: celery piece carrot piece broccoli I'm not sure about romaine lettuce ask your vet, and a piece of corn, those are veggies, here are fruit , apple piece seedless cucumber, but I'm not sure about banana and strawberry. feed any of these to your hamster but once a day or they'll get diarrhea

What is the best Teddy bear hamster diet?

Whatever it was on at the pet store. Make sure you give them something to chew on and treats. If you don't won't to buy treats you can feed them carrots,romain lettuce (don't feed them any other kind), and mine eats timothy hay. But only give it one or two things every other day!