

Do joeys eat lettuce and carrot?

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: Do joeys eat lettuce and carrot?
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Which one is odd carrot potato cucumber tomato lettuce?

Potato. Carrots, cucumbers, Tomatoes and Lettuce are not starchy tubars.

Can rabbits eat broccoli leaves?

Actually, they can. But rabbits prefer carrots, more lettuce, because when you give a rabbit a carrot, it only eats the green lettuce part.

What are the healthy foods of a rabbit?

parsley, lettuce, carrot and food pellets

What part of carrot do you eat?

You eat the root of the carrot plant. (The orange part) You can also eat the top of the carrot, but I do not recommend it.

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grasshoppers mainly eat grass but they sometimes they eat other bugs that are smaller then them. but if you ask me i would feed them 1 quarter of grass half a circle slice of carrot some lettuce.

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Do donkeys eat lettuce?

no because it is too strong for their teeth. if they ate it they would rote there teeth.

What food can a rabbit eat of ours?

Most vegetables we eat, but raw. Lettuce, carrot's and the like. Not too much as pellets sold to feed rabbits are a balanced diet.....also small pieces of sliced up fruit.

How do you take your bunny out of your garage?

I use a carrot or lettuce to lure my rabbit to the leash . After that it is simple.

Can your mule eat iceburg lettuce?

Yes, a mule can eat iceberg lettuce.

Can you eat wilted lettuce?

You can eat wilted lettuce. However, you should make sure that the lettuce does not have mold and does not feel slimy.

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Tadpoles eat Boiled Lettuce leaves but the lettuce must be iceberg!! the eat bugs'