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No, they only eat bugs such as mites, aphids (also known as greenfly) ect.

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Q: Do ladybugs eat human or pet food?
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Can ladybugs eat milkweed?

no they don't eat milkweed so isf you do have pet don;t feed it that

Do hamsters have to eat the food from pet stores?

Yes they do or they will be unhealthy. The food in the pet store is made to keep them healthy. Human food is not.

Should you eat pork meant for pet food. Why not if not?

No, you shouldn't eat pork meant for pet food. The standards for pet food are not the same as those used for human consumption (there may be a high end pet food product where this is not the case).

Can people eat pet food?

Depends on whats in it. If it happens to have raw meat in it. You might food poisoning if you eat it. Pet food probably completely edible.

Where do pet ladybugs live?

Pet ladybugs live in a cage and like to eat apples. Make sure you cut the apple. Also, they don't like eating oranges, I've tried. I feed my ladybugs apple.

If dog foodtastes like meat how come we can't eat it?

Pet food is not necessarily made from human-quality ingredients. Unless the laws have changed, pet food could contain meat from animals that would not be allowed in human food.

Can you give pets human food in sims pets?

no you can't actually in sims 2 pets for ps2 if you set human food on the floor the pet will go over and eat it if it wants to. the pets action description will say "pet eat". pets usually are more likely to eat sims food when their dishes sre empty. cat can even jump up onto a counter and eat food that's been set there.

Do pet crabs eat fish food?

Yes, pet crabs will very likely eat fish food.

What does badger eats?

A badger's favorite food is earthworms, but they also eat other things, such as insects, berries, seeds, small reptiles and rodents. They will even eat human and pet food.

What foods should you keep from your pet?

You should keep away mushrooms , some raw meats such as fish onions and chicken bones. Keep away CHEESE!! it is one of the worst things for your pets. dont give them to much human food because some animals only want to eat human food and dont eat their pet food...

How do you feed the pet in pet party?

you buy a food for your pet and drag it to the pet and it will eat it

Can ladybugs eat oatmeal flakes?

sometimes you can....if you have a red ladybug is fine. but, overall, no you can not feed you pet ladybug oatmeal.