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A properly designed and operated landfill is isolated from the groundwater and does not contaminate it.The key words are properly designed and operated.

Properly designed includes features to seal the bottom of the landfill with compacted clay or a plastic liner and sometimes both. It also includes siting that operation in an area not prone to flooding or infiltration. The design includes operating procedures, control odf acceptable materials, groundwater sampling around the dire and equipment to drain and treat any liquid acumulation.

Properly operated includes preserving the liner, limiting daily deposits, covering open deposits quick;y and regularly, record keeping. inspection of incoming waste, compliance with legislated requirements, security to prevent improper dumping or scavenging, training of operators and periodic third party audits.

A poorly designed and operated site can contaminate groundwater

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Yes, landfills sometimes have chemicals that contaminate water over a larger area. Another possibility is water ways that runs next to or through the landfills thus contaminating the water bodies.

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Q: Do landfills contaminate water
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Because they will contaminate landfills, leach out into the surrounding groundwater, and poison soil, fish, animals and insects.

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Why are landfills good?

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