

Do lawyers have to pay taxes?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes they do ! Everyone who works has to pay tax !

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Q: Do lawyers have to pay taxes?
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What are some employee costs for lawyers?

that they need to pay taxes transportation uniforms and books

How much does an average pro athlete pay in taxes?

That depends on the specific athlete's income as well as how many loopholes their lawyers can find.

If Obama wins how will Fed Gov't deal w working class who opt out of system bec's their conscious will not allow them to participate in redistribution of wealth ie refuse to pay or take taxes?

Any Americans who do not pay their taxes will have to pay a fine or serve jail time. It is unlikely though that working class people will refuse to pay their taxes because the 5% of the wealthiest Americans have to pay more taxes.Not everyone pays the taxes due. What about the wealthy who refuse to pay their due taxes and use lawyers and tax accountants to find loopholes in the law?

Do state police pay taxes?

Yes, they pay taxes. If you work you pay taxes no exceptions.

Does the estate pay taxes?

Estates pay taxes on income and may have to pay inheritance taxes.

How many lawyers are in a business?

depends on how many lawyers you pay to work for you

What is his gross pay?

the pay before taxes net pay is after taxes

How did Sioux pay taxes?

They didn’t pay taxes.

Do police officers have to pay taxes?

Yes. They pay income taxes and property taxes and sales taxes.

How much taxes do you have to pay on $600.00?

How much federal taxes do you have to pay on $600?

Does net net include taxes?

If looking at your pay stubs, you gross pay represents your total pay before taxes. The net pay is your pay after taxes.

How do people pay taxes?

People pay taxes in many different ways. Taxes are taken out of your paycheck, you pay taxes when you make purchases at a store, and you pay taxes on your home and property.