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Q: Do lebanese men date outside their race?
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Are lebanese people white?

Lebanese women can be of any race, color, or nationality - just like gay men can be. In today's advanced thinking silly things like color do not impede true love.

Why do men who are so concern with economic and social intelligence date outside of their race?

Race (and racial mixing) has nothing to do with economic and social intelligence. To believe so is to conform to the prejudices that certain members of society would have us to believe.

Do black women date outside their race?

being that im a black woman i do date outside my race not tha i dont like black men but just in regards to me i date white guys puerto-rican guys and mexican guys and italian guys i love the mixed race and dating outside my race is perfectly fine with me i have no problem with it. its not that wont ever date a black guy just for me right now im dating mixed guys and its a fun experience and the sex is great. if i had to choose the best guy ive dated that wore me out i would have to say white guys. being that i am too mixed with mexican and indian. the opportunities are better and im open to try new things. i hope this answers your question. ;)

Are lebanese men well hung?

im 7 in.

Do CaucAsian women dislike to date with Asian men?

Definitely not! I prefer Asian men over any other race!

Are lebanese men players?

NO. I am with a Lebanese guy. I've met almost all of his family. He is really supportive and he loves me a lot ;)

Can a Lebanese wife work?

Certainly, she can. Lebanon is one of the most progressive Arab countries, and women are allowed to have professions outside of the house. However, many Lebanese men prefer to not have their wives working for cultural reasons, even though they are perfectly legally capable of doing so.

Why the small amount of African men that do date outside their culture. in the end of the day marry their women from their culture?

It's culture, there are some African men (not alot though) that wouldn't mind dating outside their culture/race but when it comes to marriage, 99% of the time their going to marry women from their culture. The reason is how they are trained since they are little when it comes to marriage.

Why do Mexican men try an hide ther white woman from other Mexicans?

This may be due to racial tensions. In some cultures it is considered "taboo" for one to date outside of their race or cultural. This is most observable during the Civil Rights Movement when white men/women dated African American men/women.

What do lebanese men like in a girl?

that they could be just friends but not divorce quiston!!!!

How can a woman with traditional beliefs prevent trashy men from outside her race approaching her for sex?

Ignore the man and find a person that love you for you