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no, the arms mend faster

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Q: Do leg fractures heal faster than arm fractures?
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If you have thrown out your arm how long will it take for you arm to heal?


What happens when your arm breaks?

It will grow faster and stronger than before.

What will happen to the muscles in the arm when a cast is worn on it to allow a broken bone to heal?

The muscle may become weaker and look a bit thinner than the other arm because of it not being used for a long period of time. Sometimes physical therapy can help build up strength.

What relationship does science have to do with swimming?

faster arm motion the faster you go

What are spiral fractures?

Spiral fractures are described as crossing a bone at an oblique angle, creating a spiral pattern. This break usually occurs in the long bones of the body such as the upper arm bone (humerus) or the thigh bone

Does running while moving your arms make you go faster?

The faster your arm the faster yu go

Why does a doctors a cast on an arm or leg that has be broken?

the doctors put a cast on an arm or leg to immobilize the limb so it could heal adequately.

What is the difference between an arm sling and an elevation sling?

An arm sling usually just support the arm in a neutral posisition , while an elevation sling supports the arm and keep it elevated above the heart leve to reduce swelling and pain. You would also yse them for different things, an arm sling for fractures to the lower arm or wrist and an elevation sling for fractures to the collarbone upper arm or fingers.

How can you heal a baby hamsters arm?

You should take it to the vet instead of trying to do it at home.

How long to heal a hematoma of arm?

Using a warm compress will help to speed the healing process. It should heal on its own in hours of the injury or within days.

What is used to support a fractured forearm wrist or hand after the fractures has been splinted?

A sling is used to keep the injured arm against the chest.

Why after a childhood fracture that appeared to heal normally is one arm longer than the one that was fractured?

the fracture could have stunted the growth in your arm slightly. if you aren't having any pains or aches, its really nothing to worry about. if you are still worried, see your GP.