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Q: If you have thrown out your arm how long will it take for you arm to heal?
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My daughter is 11 and had stress fracture of lower arm. With wrist brace on, complete healing time was 5 weeks.

How can you heal a baby hamsters arm?

You should take it to the vet instead of trying to do it at home.

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A neck fusion typically takes about 4-6 weeks to heal. The surgery itself is usually done outpatient, but in some cases, you may need to stay in the hospital overnight.muscle tissue in the arm

How long to heal a hematoma of arm?

Using a warm compress will help to speed the healing process. It should heal on its own in hours of the injury or within days.

How long does it take a hairline fracture of the radial head to heal?

Full mobility will take several weeks but the pain should stop after the usual six weeks. Further excercises trying to turn the arm a full 180 degrees will decrease the time taken for arm to returen to full mobility.

What will happen to the muscles in the arm when a cast is worn on it to allow a broken bone to heal?

The muscle may become weaker and look a bit thinner than the other arm because of it not being used for a long period of time. Sometimes physical therapy can help build up strength.

How do you tell if your thrown out arm is healed all the way?

Can you still catch it? if not, then its healed!!

Does a hairline fracture to the neck of the elbow need a splint?

Take it to the hospital or doctor and find out

How long does a broken arm take to quit hurting?

About 30-60 minutes

How long does it take heal a broken humerus?

It depends on your age, health and how bad the break is. Mine broke completely in half, it was somewhat functional at around 6 weeks, and 100% at 8 weeks.

Why does a doctors a cast on an arm or leg that has be broken?

the doctors put a cast on an arm or leg to immobilize the limb so it could heal adequately.

How long will it take to recover from a broken arm?

If it's a distal radius fracture, typical recovery time is about 5 - 6 weeks. after the cast is off, it will be a few weeks before it's back to strength and a few months before it feels like it's yours again. Treat it well whilst in the cast, and never lift anything too heavy with it, be patient, it may be frustrating, but it will help prevent further discomfort int he coming weeks, even years. Good luck and get well soon.