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Actually they can and will attack each other. I found one of my leopard geckos dead because the other one attacked it. Its tail was pulled off and its front legs were missing. You are seriously mistaken when you believe they will not attack each other. It is survival of the fittest.

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Q: Do leopard gecko's attack each other?
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How many leopard geckos hunt in one pack?

Leopard geckos do not hunt in packs, and two adult males will invariably fight when they encounter each other.

Are baby bearded dragons compatible with baby leopard geckos?

well baby beardies like to climb on each other and their long claws could damage the leopard geckos skin. so I wouldn't

Why are your leopard geckos always on top of each other when you pick up the rock?

Well they are always on top each other because they think that they will protect each other.

What is a leopard geckos habitat?

a desert-like habitat. If you are setting up a cage for a leopard gecko, make sure it has a warm side and a cool side with a hut on each side. Leopard Geckos come from deserts in places like Afghanistan, India, and many other places

Are leopard geckos loners?

No, leopard geckos do not get lonely. They are solitary animals in the wild. In captivity, males will almost certainly fight with each other. Females may or may not fight but do not feel lonely when kept alone.

What other reptile can you place with a leopard gecko?

The only reptiles you can place with a leopard gecko are fat tailed geckos. Leopards and Fat Tails are very closely related and don't seem to be able to tell the difference between each other.

Can leopard geckos live with kameleon?

Absolutely NOT - they are from completely different countries - requiring totally different living conditions ! Leopard geckos are from dry, arid environments, Chameleons live in tropical rain-forests. The two species would NEVER encounter each other in the wild and should never be housed together ! Besides which - part of a Chameleons diet is OTHER REPTILES !

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

Do Long tailed lizards do well with leopard geckos?

Absolutely not ! They require completely different living conditions ! Besides which - they'd never encounter each other in the wild.

What reptiles can live with beaded dragons?

i have a community tank w/ a juv. beardie,2 adult leopard geckos(1-male&1fem),and a sulcata tortoise. the tortoise n the dragon dont mind each other n the geckos only come out when the other two are asleep!!!not highly reccomended by experts ,but i havent had n e problems

What is the shape of a leopard geckos ear?

Its a small, circular hole on each side of the lizard's head. If you look at it in the right angle, you can see straight through the ears!

When do you put baby leopard geckos in the adult tank?

When the babys reach a few months old they may be able to be housed with An adult leopard gecko as long as he/she has a VERY nice temperment. But just to make sure watch them and wait for them to meet each other to see their reaction before leaving them on their own togther.