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No, leopards do not prey on hyenas but may kill them because they compete for some of the same food sources.

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Q: Do leopards hunt hyenas as prey?
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Which animals hunt their prey at dusk?

the animals that hunt their prey at dusk are: wolvesAardwolf and Hyenas: Hyaenidae - Spotted Hyena (crocuta Crocuta Read more: Aardwolf hyenas hyaenidae

What are the predators of hyenas?

Lions, leopards, crocodiles, and pythons prey on hyenas.

Who hunt a cheetah?

Lions, leopards and hyenas will hunt and kill cheetah cubs.

When do snow leopards hunt?

Snow leopards hunt in the day and the night but they usually hunt at night because that is when their prey are out.

Are leopards and hyenas enemies?

Yes. They live in the same area and hunt the same prey. So, they are natural enemies. Hyenas will easily kill cheetah cubs if they find. They also gang up on cheetah's and scare them away from their kills. So, they are perpetual enemies.

What do snow leopards do in the day time?

Rest, hunt and stalk prey.

Black leopards enemies?

Black leopards enemies are lions and hyenas. Black leopards enemies are lions and hyenas.

Is hyena a scavenger?

No, hyenas hunt their own prey just like how wolves do. They are not scavengers or wimps. What people seem to ignore is- why would an animal have such strong jaws and be a scavenger? In fact, lions steal hyenas' kills alot more than hyenas do.

What kind of animals compete in the savanna?

Lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and leopards all compete for the same prey in the African savanna.

What are Baboon predators?

The main predators of the baboon are lions and hyenas. There are a number of different types of leopards will also prey on baboons.

What eats zebras?

Cheetahs, lions, hyenas, leopards, hyenas, and wild dogs.

Will hyenas hunt live prey?

Yes, they do go in groups to take down their own prey. Individually they kill offspring too.