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Q: Do leopards live in the same habitat as zebras?
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Do pandas zebras and giraffes live in the same habitat?

Giraffes and zebras share the same habitat but not the pandas. They don't even share the same continent.

Were do black leopards live?

Black leopards live in the same habitat as regular leopards. Although more rare, black leopards coexist with their normal-colored counterparts.

Do tigers and zebras live on the same continent?

No, zebras and tigers do not live on the same continent. Zebras are found in Africa, and tigers are found in Asia.


Lions, leopards, Gnus, Thomson Gazelle, Giraffes, Puff adders, Marabou Stalks and Rhinos (are some)

Do leopards stay in the same place?

Yes and No. Leopards usually stay in the same place unless their is a need to move such as predators which is very few for them, or habitat is dying or other problem's. :)

What kind of animals live with hippos?

Most every animal that lives in Africa and comes around where hippos live, which include but are not limited to elephants, lions, gazelles, wildebeest, giraffes, hartebeest, warthogs, crocodiles, zebras, leopards, oxpeckers, storks, flamingoes, etc.

Do jaguars eat zebras?

Jaguars and zebras do not live in the same part of the world so they wouldn't meet. Jaguars live in South America and Zebras live in Africa. However, if they did, a jaguar would almost certainly try to kill and eat a zebra.

Can lions zebras elephants and meerkats live in the same area?

Yes, they can and do live together.

Do leopards eat coyotes?

They could, but they do not live in the same place.

Why dont all animals that live in the same habitat look the same?

its not necessary that animals living in the same habitat are same. to live in a patticular habitat their body only has special adaptions. any organism of same adaption may have a different body design. Thus, different organisms live in same habitat.

Why do all mammals not live in the same habitat?

Why do not all humans live in the same habitat

Do leopards eat bunnies?

No, leopards do not usually eat bunnies, since they do not usually live in the same area or climate.