

Do lions hunt giraffes

Updated: 11/14/2022
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Q: Do lions hunt giraffes
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Are Giraffes predators of Asiatic Lions?

No Giraffes are herbivores and definitely don't hunt lions that don life in their region.

What are the predators of girraffes?

Lions hunt baby giraffes. Crocodiles often ambush even adult giraffes.

What are giraffes scard of?

If you mean "What are giraffes scared of?" the answer is: All the carnivorous animals that hunt it for food; lions, leopards, hyenas and wild dogs.

Does a lion eat a giraffe?

Lions will kill hyenas but rarely eat them.

What is the favorite food for a lion?

Lions are carnivores. So, they would mostly hunt giraffes, buffaloes, zebras, wildebeests, wild hogs, and antelopes.Since lions are carnivores, most meats.

Does lions eat giraffes?


Are giraffes predators?

Giraffes are herbivores, they do not hunt. They are Prey.

Are giraffes eaten by mountain lions?

No,giraffes are not eaten by any big cat, except for lions, which sometimes take them down. Mountain lions do not live in Africa, which is the home of the giraffe.

Why are lions and humans giraffe's enemies?

1. Lions kill/eat giraffes. 2. People kill/imprison giraffes. you do the math.

When do lions hunt their prey?

Lions usually hunt at night

What is a giraffes enemy?

leopards and lions are basically the giraffes only predators.

What animals kills giraffes?

Lions and Leopards :)