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Q: Do living thing contain carbon dioxide?
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All living things contain what?

all living things contain carbon and hydrogen

How does carbon get from living thing and into the atmosphere?

They release carbon dioxide when they exhale

What living thing uses carbon dioxide?

plants at nightok

How do living things respirate?

living thing respire by taking oxygen in and carbon dioxide out of the cell

Carbon compounds that come from living organisms are called?

Carbon-containing compounds are generally referred to as organic compounds (from the previously-held, erroneous belief that they could only be formed by living things). However, not all compounds that contain carbon are considered organic. For example, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are considered inorganic, despite the fact that they contain carbon.

Why is earth having carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a necessary element for the survival of all living things, and it is produced by organisms such as plants and trees. It combines with hydrogen to create oxygen which no living thing can live without.

Are carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide the same thing?

No. Carbon dioxide is very different from sulfur dioxide.

What does exhaled air contain more of than inhaled air?

More Oxygen, because some of it is processed into Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

How people use carbon?

Fossil Fuels like Coal and Oil contain Carbon, Carbon is what our bodies are based from, and any living thing has some carbon.

Why is Soil a non living thing because?

Soil is nonliving because it does not breath in oxygen and release carbon dioxide! :)

Which living thing gives off carbon dioxide?

As far as I know all animals do so. The usual reaction mentioned in this context is the combustion in your body of sugar and oxygen to form water and carbon dioxide.

What are some carbon containing compounds?

Every single organic thing contains carbon.