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there is only one species of lizard which is venomous (i don't remember the name, but it lives in the desert) but many have a high density of bacteria in their salavia, which can cause bites to become infected and deadly

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Q: Do lizards give you poison when they bite you?
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Suck out the poison and take the dog to the vet.

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No, rat poisoning can not kill lizards.

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No they do not

Are yellow spotted lizards dangerus?

Well they are aggressive and give a very painful bite but they are not fatal so they cant kill you.

Do lizards bite when there being territorial?

Yes. Some lizards will hiss, bite, bob their heads, or release deadly venom when being territorial.

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They're not venomous - if that's what you're asking. However - they can give a nasty bite if threatened enough.

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They don't not bite there master only other pepole

What are yellow spotted lizards?

these are fu*kin dangerous stupid lizards that when they bite, you are dead in i secons

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if the pioneers could not get the poison out or aR.S bite, that person usually died because the poison had traveled around the body of the victim

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