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No eventually they pupate and turn into adult houseflies.

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Q: Do maggots die after eating dead flesh?
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When humans die where do the worms that eat them come from?

What eats human corpses are not worms, but maggots. Maggots are the offspring of flies. Dead things tend to attract flies (the stench of rotting flesh may be disgusting to us, but lovely to flies), and those flies come and eat the flesh as well as lay eggs on the decaying body. Once the eggs hatch, you get maggots, which also consume the flesh/bodily fluids of the body.

Can you die from a papercut?

Yes, you can get a flesh eating disease from it. .

What happens if your dog eats maggots?

Maggots are just eating dead flesh or decaying plant matter. They will be dissolved by the dog's digestive acids, which are much higher than ours because they are carnivours and we are omnivours. They will probably benefit from the protein. Dogs are scavengers naturally and have been eating rotten flesh for a long time, they have evolved to deal with it. If your dog has been eating canned and dry food all it's life it might have some digestive upset from eating too much rotten meat at once, it will adapt if exposed slowly. However, on a similar note, you can eat a cherry with a worm in it. Parasites are very specific creatures and a worm which has adapted it's life cycle to depend on fruit trees isn't going to survive in your, or your dog's digestive system. Intestinal worms have a different life cycle geared towards mammals bodies. You just have to be careful of getting worms if you are working with manure...and your dog shouldn't be eating feces (as they do sometimes), definitely could get worms that way.

How do maggots mate?

Maggots are actually immature flies and beetles. Think of the as less cool butterflies. Butterflies are first caterpillars as are flies to maggots. Flies live for about 48 hours. They lay their eggs in rotting flesh and die. The maggots hatch, reach maturity, and repeat the cycle as an adult fly.

How do you avoid flesh eating bacteria?

No, you are going to die!! Mwahahahahahaha suck!

Is maggots bad for you to eat?

Maggots do eat sugary products, especially candy. Maggots are the larvae of flies and they also eat decomposing flesh of dead bodies.

Is it possible to loose 22kgs in 23days?

Sure, if you die in the hot sun. You're body will at first bloat and as flies begin to lay maggots on your rotting flesh you will eventually begin to decay. Hopefully, along with the maggots, some scavengers such as hawks, magpies, vultures, coyotes and the occasional stray dog will come along and help you by removing large chunks of dead flesh and muscle tissue from your rotting corpse. Heck, in 23 days you should easily be down nearly 50 lbs! Good luck!

Can fish die from eating dead fish?

No but only if they eat poisoned dead fish

When white tigers die do there remains rot into the earth or do other animals eat them?

maggots eat the rotten flesh and worms finish off the bones. The fur falls away naturally

What happen to the soft part of the animal after they die?

The flesh of a dead animal is eaten away by carnivores and omnivores. When they are done, they leave a carcass of an animal. Then a group of insects come along called the Detritus Feeders. These included things like Worms, Maggots and slugs. These excrete the waste of the carcass that they are eating. Then the Decomposers arrive. The decomposers usually consist of bacteria and fungi. These guys eat EVERYTHING, including the Detritus Feeders, their waste and the remainders of the carcass.

How do maggots kill sheep?

Maggots are the larval version of flies, a class of insect with two wings and six legs. They are extremely hardy and survive by eating necrotic (dead) tissue. To kill the maggots you will need a veterinarian's assistance, most likely with surgery involved. The maggots themselves can be cleaned out with some warm salt water and a pair of tweezers, but the dead tissue left behind also needs to be carefully removed to allow the dog to heal.

Are maggots in your body then when you die do they hatch and become flies?

No. When an animal dies, flies are attracted to the body, lay eggs that hatch into larvae, and those larvae pupate into flies - just like caterpillars into butterflies, really, just instead of a butterfly laying her eggs on a plant, flies lay theirs on dead flesh.