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the antlers are shaped like a cup

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Q: Do male elks have spoon-shaped antlers?
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What is the possessive form of elk?

The plural forms of the singular noun elk are elk or elks, both are accepted.The plural possessive forms are elk's or elks'.Examples:Two large male elk's antlers clashed loudly.Two large male elks' antlers clashed loudly.

Do elks have horns?

That's how they were MADE... With Horns.Lol

What are facts about elks?

there antlers are made of bone they can jump 8 feet vertically for defense they use a strong front kick and ther antlers

What are 2 mammals that shed their antlers at certain times of the year?

Three mammals whose males shed their antlers would be deer, elk, and moose.

Do male or female have antlers?


What is the cause of Irish Deer extinction?

Well, the female elks were attracted to males with large antlers, thus the male elk passed on his antler gene to the offspring. However, the antlers became too heavy (about 90 lbs) for the elk to carry. And also the elks had trouble running in the forest when they were being hunted by humans. And after clilmate change (end of ice age) there wasnt really food such as plants that was rich in phosphorpus and calcium to give them vitamins and stuff. Thus, there was no food for humans, and so it was hard for the elks to find food, and to get away from hunters.

Deer antlers- male or female?

only male dear (buck) have antlers. Female dear (doe) do not. Unless that female deer is a caribou. Both male and female caribou grow antlers.

Do male reindeer have antlers?

Yes,male reindeer do have antlers.

Do all male deers have antlers?

No. Only those bucks that are over a year old have antlers. Young male fawns do not have antlers.

Why do some male cattle have antlers?

No cattle have antlers. They have horns. You could be thinking of moose or elk, which are part of the deer family and have antlers.

Do only male deer have antlers?

First to act smart you got to say male, second yes.

Which caribou has bigger antlers the male or the female?

Males always have bigger antlers than females.