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Q: Do male frogs have enlarged thumb pads?
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How can you tell the difference between a male and females frogs thumb?

Male frogs have thumb pads, which are extra fatty tissues on the hands, just below where the thumb attaches to the hand.

What was the sex of dissected frog?

if the frogs front hands had large thumb pads it was male

Amplexusory pads of male frogs help in?


How can you identify the sex of the frog based on the mouth cavity?

In some frog species, you can determine the sex of a frog based on the development of a vocal sac. If the vocal sac is present, the frog is a male.

What is the function of a frogs pad?

Why are there pads on a frogs or a toads feet Because when a frog or a toad leaps if it leaps on to something wet is can stay on otherwise it would fall off

How do you tell the difference between boy and girl dumpy tree frogs?

Externally, all male frogs have pads on their feet while females don't. Internally, females have eggs and so on while male frogs have testes and so on.

Do frogs eat lilly pads?

Frogs eat lily pads every now and then but not in a significant amount. Lily pads are commonly eaten by fishes, aphids, and snails.

Do frogs eat lily pads?

How do male and female frogs differ?

Boy frogs have a black, feltlike substance on the inside of their front legs. Girl frogs do not have the black substance, but have a triangle, almost like a tail in between their back legs. Male frogs have enlarged "thumbs" on their front feet. These are grippers used to grasp the female during mating.Females are larger and makes also have almost like a 6th toe on their back feet. It's for holding onto the females during mating.The females are big but the males croakThe ears, or tympanic membrane (the circle "thingy" right behind the eyes) in males is larger than his eye. In females, the tympanic membrane is smaller than the eye.There is no easy rule to determine whether a frog is male or female. In some species the male is larger; in other species the female is larger. In many species, only the male makes the sound. Males are always the ones with the sac beneath their throat that inflates as they make their sounds.The way to tell the difference between a male frog and a female frog varies between species. For instance, in some frogs (like wood frogs), Males have enlarged, dark, rough pads on their thumbs that they used to grasp female frogs. Females do not have these patches on their thumbs. In other species of frog, the differences may be more subtle. For instance, male pacific chorus frogs have darkened, loose skin around their throats to allow the skin to expand when they call. Females have plain white skin.Often, many of these differences between male and female frogs only appear during the breeding season.

Where do frogs like to live?

In Ponds with Lily Pads...

What are the things called that frogs float on?

lilly pads

What do lily pads eat?

well frogs sit on them so maybe the frogs take a bite now and then? frogs do not eat lily pads. There are several critters than can eat your lily pads, from certain fish to aphids and snails and larval caterpillar type bugs.