

Do male guinea pigs eat other pigs?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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No for guinea pigs are stirct herbivores so they eat only vegetables and their commercial food.They dont eat other pigs but as the guinea pigs get older one of them may bite as its a sighn of teritory.
Eat a Lot

Yes, they also require a lot of water.

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They don't. Some other small rodents may have a tendency to do this, but not guinea pigs. Baby guinea pigs are born already covered in fur (unlike most rodents), so it would be difficult for a parent to eat them anyway.

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Please do because adult male guinea pigs can attack, injure or even try and eat baby guinea pigs even though guinea pigs are vegetarians.

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Guinea pigs are herbivores, so they will not eat other guinea pigs. However, they can sometimes get into fights when they are first introduced. Make sure that you supervise them carefully. If your looking for how to introduce two new guinea pigs,

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Do male guinea pigs eat there babys?

Male Guinea Pigs (Nor Females) do NOT eat the babies, however, the Males should be removed from the cage just before birth because the Mother can become pregnant again within hours of delivery, and this is dangerous to her.

Why does a male guinea pig start eating all of his droppings?

Both male and Female guinea pigs sometimes eat their droppings. the reason is that their poop contains minerals that are helpful to the guinea pig.

What do American guinea pigs eat?

All breeds of guinea pigs eat the same thing.