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It is not inherited. It seems to be due to the effects of several genes and the environment. This has not been proven.

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Q: Do males carry gene for spina bifida?
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What gene does Spina Bifida affect?

Spina bifida has not been proven to derive from any one gene.

Is spina bifida a sex-linked gene?

The Spina Bifida birth defect is autosomal.

Where in the genes is the spina bifida located?

Spina Bifida is not located in any gene. Spina bifida is not a genetically inherited disorder. There are people or families that are more likely to have a child with spina bifida because of their environment. They are more likely to eat certain foods than others because that's what their parents cooked and that's what they know how to cook or that's what they have to eat. Spina bifida is caused by a lack of folic acid (folate). Folate neutralizes valproic acid which is the biggest indicator for spina bifida. In other words, we don't know why but if there are higher than normal levels of valproic acid in your body in the first 15-26 days after conception, your chances of having a child with spina bifida go up. The only way to prevent it is for women of child bearing age to take a multivitamin with folate everyday even if they are not trying to conceive. Most women don't know they're pregnant when the defect occurs.

Which chromosomes are affected by albinism?

From all I have read and studied (I am a 2nd semester senior nursing student at a major university) Spina Bifida is not so much a chromosomal defect as a neural defect caused by a lack of folic acid during the very early stages of pregnancy. This is why women who wish to get pregnant are encouraged to begin taking folic acid BEFORE they actually get pregnant.

Why do children with Spina Bifida have hairy patch on lower spine and should that area of skin with the hair have been on their head?

The previous answer was garbage. Hair growth from the spinal cord area has to do with mis-regulated gene expression (which may have been the cause of Spina Bifida in the first place) Early in development, some areas of tissue become overly specialized too soon, or areas which should remain stem cell-like fail do so. The neural tube will not fuse as a result, and there may be patches of terminally differentiated hair.

Does Spina Bifida go away?

Yes. It will require surgery at 1 to 2 days old to close the opening in the spine, then possibly a shunt, which is a tube to drain water off of the brain (hydrocephalus) and then during the rest of the childhood, orthopedic surgeries to straighten the legs and maximize their function, as well as possibly bladder surgery to fix any bladder control problem. The child may never walk or be able to control the function of the bowels and bladder, or they may, depending on the level of the paralysis.

What causes a chicken to be a male or female?

The sex of a chicken is determined by genes when the egg is fertilized. It should be a 50/50 chance of male or female. And in the case of chickens it is the females that have the xy gene that determine sex and males that carry the xx gene, this is opposite of mammals where males with their xy gene determine the sex of the offspring.

Could males be a carrier of a specific gene and not show traits?

Yes. It is possible for a male to carry a gene and not show it. However, it would have to be a recessive gene, therefore the trait would not show physically. Though, if it is a sex-linked gene, they would either show the trait or not. They cannot be carriers and not show it.

Why does a female with a gene for a sex-linked disorder usually appear normal?

A female with a gene for a genetic disorder will usually only have it on one of her two X chromosomes. The other chromosome will carry the healthy version of the gene, which will carry out that gene's function when the other chromosome cannot. Males will exhibit the disease if they have the gene as a male human only has one X chromosome. So, in order for a female to have a genetic disorder carried on her sex chromosome her mother would have to have the defective gene and her father would have the disorder.

Why are sex-linked traits more common in males?

Males normally have the dominat gene.

Did Stacy Romanov and her sisters have hemophilia?

Grand Duchess ANASTASIA and her sisters were probably carriers of the hemophilia gene but did not suffer from the effects of hemophilia. Males suffer from hemophilia. In rare cases girls do suffer but that is only when both parents carry the mutated gene

Can males be carriers of sexlinked traits?

No. Carriers are people that carry the gene for something but exhibit no phenotype for it. Since males have no extra copy to hide a recessive trait, they cannot be carriers for sex linked traits.Answ2. Followers of this question should consult say haemophilia in