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Q: Do mammles only breath through lungs?
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Does guppy HAVE lungs?

Being a fish, fish don't have lungs. They breath through gills. Gills are almost like lungs except that the fact that they are only able to breath underwater.

How does a harbor seal's respiratory system work?

they breath through their gills and they breath out like us but the only difference is that they have gills and lungs.

Do Orcas hold their breath?

Yes. They can only breath air. Yes of course they do they are mammels and have lungs to breath! :)

How are frogs able to live on land?

frogs can only live on land if they are wet, all animals from this catagory do this. However, frogs cant survive on land if they are dry. They way frogs breath is much different from most animals,frogs not only breath through lungs, but also through their skin. Frogs can only breath when wet.

How does breathing?

You don't only "breath in air, and breath out air," You breath in Oxygen and let out Carbon Dioxide. Passes to the diaphragm and the lungs, inhale oxygen, it goes through your body, exhale Carbon Dioxide, From which the body has made when inhaled.

How do frogs breathe in water and on land?

frogs breathe through there skins. but the frog has lungs but no ribs! They don't. Frogs can hold their breath for a very long time but they still have to come to the surface to breath air.They don't, they hold their breath like we do, they can just do it a long time. During their tadpole stage, they breathe under water through their skin, using internal gills. When they mature into frogs, they develop lungs and then can only breathe air using their lungs.

Do All modern amphibians use only their lungs for respiration?

Amphibians use their lungs for respiration, but they also absorb oxygen through their skin. They breath underwater by absorbing dissolved oxygen in the air or gills.

How do pigs breathe?

Through their nose

Do brittle stars have lungs?

No they do not. The respire like sea stars and other echinoderms. Lungs only ever breath air.

Do mammles only live in water?

No, humans are mammals...

Do fish breath trough there lungs?

No, in general lungs are only good for animals that breath air. In a water environment, oxygen exchange is accomplished using organs called "gills" and fish have gills.