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Q: Do manta rays use complete metamorphosis?
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How do manta rays fight?

manta rays belong to the family of rays like sting ray.,they swim at a speed of 25mph and they swim this speed only in the shallow waters but if they go a bit deeper then they swim at a lower speed, like 18mph

Why are people whaling?

Well, the Chinese count on whaling for their traditional medicines, the also use and endanger other unique fish like sharks (for their fins) and rays (manta rays and giant rays) for their tails and fins and then whatever they don't need they throw it out.

How do use metamorphosis in a sentence?

Metamorphosis is a study of matter

What do ray fishes eat?

Most rays have developed heavy, rounded teeth for crushing the shells of bottom-dwelling species such as snails, clams, oysters, crustaceans and some fish, depending on the species. Manta Rays feed on plankton.

How do stingrays adapt to their environment?

Rays and skates have flattened bodies that allow them to glide along the ocean bottom near coasts, where most of them live. They eat small fish and mollusks such as clams and oysters. The largest of the rays, the manta ray, lives in the upper waters of the open ocean. Many species of rays have poisonous stingers in their tails. They use the stingers for defense. These rays can be found in fresh water as well as salt water.~By Unknown Biologist

How do manta rays reproduce?

Manta rays bear live young. The single fertilized egg develops inside the mother. The gestation period is unknown. It appears that mantas do not breed until their winglike pectoral fins reach a length of 13-15 feet. There is no specific breeding season: males and females mate year round. The newborns are fairly large, weighing 20-30 pounds, have fins that span 4 feet, and can generally protect themselves from predators

Is metamorphosis a verb or a noun?

both... depending on how you use it in a sentence!

How can you use the word metamorphosis in a sentence?

Winnifred went to the gym every day for a year and underwent a metamorphosis from a waiflike girl to an athletic woman.

What type of the energy source makes use of the sun-rays?

Electromagnetic energy makes use of the sun rays. Plants and other things use the sun rays to grow.

What type of the energy source makes use of the sun's rays?

Electromagnetic energy makes use of the sun rays. Plants and other things use the sun rays to grow.

What type of energy source makes use of the suns rays?

Electromagnetic energy makes use of the sun rays. Plants and other things use the sun rays to grow.