

Do marble geckos breed with there young?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Yes they do that's how most breeders do it so the get the genes right its not as harmfull as it is to humans but their is a small chance that the inbreeding will cause defects like bad legs or eyes with the baby geckos.

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Q: Do marble geckos breed with there young?
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What are geckos instincts?

Eat, Sleep, Survive, And Breed.

Can two female leopard gecko breed?

Yes two leopard geckos can breed from the same male and you can also breed them to the male

Can you mix breed two different geckos?

no as they will fight for there own home

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What do marble geckos eat?

Marbled Geckos eat insects. They enjoy a diet including live mealworms, crickets, waxworms, and cockroach nymphs. Only feed them as much as they can eat in 10 minutes at a time.

What do you do if your leopard geckos won't breed?

it will take a few weeks and then you should find eggs

Are Gecko extinct?

yes they are Added: No they are not , Not all. Some species are becoming really rare to find , Some are extincted but many geckos that are kept in captivity are extremely common. Leopard geckos , Crested geckos , Common house gecko , Fat tailed geckos and more are easy to breed geckos that are now almost everywhere in the pet shops.

Can you put a male leopard gecko with a female?

If you want to breed them. Leopard geckos reach maturity at about 9 months old, and a male can have several females. Beginning about 3 to 4 weeks after mating, the female gecko will have a clutch of eggs, usually 2, that hatch in about 2 months. You would be advised to keep male geckos away from the eggs and the young hatchlings.

How can you tell if marble geckos r girl or boy?

turn them upside-down and if there is a line it is a girl and if there is two dots it is a boy. April bray.

What types of crickets can you feed your leopard guecko?

I think any crickets that are sold at pet stores can be fed to leopard geckos. Just remember that small crickets are for young geckos and large are for grown-up geckos.

Is it safe to have geckos running free in your home they are not store bought they are wild?

It depends what breed they are really, also it is illegal in some countries to take geckos and skinks from the wild, such as new zealand. Tiny pink geckos in American Southwest often live in homes, and are useful to help control small bugs.

What breed of dog does a leopard gecko get along with?

No dog. Geckos are not known to like animals bigger than they are. Bigger animals can eat them.