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Q: Do marijuana concentrates otherwise known as wax or oil cause yeast infections?
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Why do people light an otherwise empty marijuana pipe?

Cause of the weed resin

Can smoking marijuana cause vaginal burning?

No. Vaginal burning is mostly caused by infections or STDs. Or the friction that comes with hard sex.

Why would my urine smelling like Marijuana?

If you use medications like Provigil, this will cause it to smell like marijuana. Otherwise, I would suspect a urinary tract infection.

Does pot smoking cause loss of vocal range?

the intake of marijuana, as long as it is not daily, has no risks(if you dont have a condition that says otherwise)

What are the hair in you ear for?

Hair in ears helps to act as an 'achor' for wax that is secreted, which traps bacteria and germs that would otherwise cause ear infections.

Can ear infections cause skin rash?

can ear infections cause skin rah?

How much marijuana will cause a dirty test?

As little as 25 milliliters of marijuana can cause a dirty test.

How does Marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana may cause memory loss.

Does marijuana cause lip cancer?

No! You FOOL! Marijuana cures cancer!

What sicknesses can an idividual get from smoking marijuana?

None unless you choose to smoke out of aluminum cans or aluminum foil. Inhaling the burning aluminum can cause blue lung. Otherwise, no negative side effects have been reported due to marijuana use so far.

What do Klebsiella and Proteus cause?

Klebsiella and Proteus sometimes cause pneumonia, ear and sinus infections, and urinary tract infections

Can marijuana cause cancer in the kidneys?
