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Q: Do meerkat have fur and what colour?
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Meerkat fur long or short?

meerkats have very short fur.

Is a meerkat hunted for their fur?

Not in any recognizable amount

What special features does a meerkat's fur have?

Each meerkat has its own unique fur-stripe pattern. Their fur is also a great conductor of heat; they can cool off without losing much water, but it makes them more susceptible to the cold.

What does meerkat fur feel like?

it feels like one of those spiky brushes

Burrowing animals with long tails and dark fur around eyes?

It is either a meerkat or a mongoose

What colour of fur do lions have?

lions have yellow brownish fur

What is ticking in the fur?

Ticking is a noise like pattern on fur seen on squirrels or tabby cats among other animals with fur. It is cause by a lighter colour on the base of the fur , usually a pale beige colour and a darker fur tip.

What sort of fur do iriomote cats have?

Their fur is a grey-brown colour for camouflage

What is a anteater fur and colour?

no idea, sos

What is a tiger's fur colour?

oringe and browen

Are pandas blue?

no , when they are born they have no fur and have a pinkish colour but when they get older there fur is black and white

What is the physical characteristics of a meerkat?

They have small hands and black eyes that look like they have eyeliner on. They also have tan fur with a long tail.