

Do men and girl betta fish fight or don't fight?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do men and girl betta fish fight or don't fight?
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How do you stop a girl betta fish from eating a male betta fish?

You don't. Those fish are bred and born to fight each other. Keep them in seperate tanks. Sorry :(

Is it bad for a male betta fish to nibble on a girl betta?

Male Betta's are solitary. They cannot be placed with other fish. That's why they are known a Japanese fighting fish. They will kill other fish for territory.

What fish can live with betta?

Even though petstores and people say that bettas cant be with other fish or they will fight to the death, they are wrong. The best fish to put them with is one that looks nothing like a girl betta or a boy, one that swims fast , ones that are bigger than the betta, or ones that are not agressive. But girl bettas can live together or with any other fish that is nonaggressive.(Males cannot be together!) So dont put your betta fish alone in a bowl, put it in an aquarium so it can live a long happy life with other fish. There is probaly a 30% out of 100% that they can live with any nonaggressive fish. (But if you see any aggressive behavior with the betta take him out!)

How do you tell a girl betta fish from a boy betta fish?

It's all in the tail. the males is larger and longer and the females is shorter.

Can you put another fish with a male and female beta?

no because the male and femalebetas are the type of fish that live alone. therefor since their opposite sex then there is a chance of them being OK with each other, so if there is another fish with them then they will attack it and eventually killing each other.

Do you need to have a boy and a girl Betta fish to have eggs?


Can a girl betta share a aquarium with boy betta?

No, they are fighting fish. They will kill each other no matter what sex they are.

Do girl betta fish make bubbles to tell you they are happy?


How do you tell fish bata apart as a boy or girl?

A girl Betta is dull and not as pretty as the male. But, a boy Betta is colorful and pretty to attract the female mate.

Do girl Betta fish need boy Betta fish to live?

No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.

Will a girl betta in a group of 10 fight a another girl Betta in a group of 10?

Yes, until they agree on who is stronger. Once that's settled they're usually fine.

Can you put a boy and girl betta fish in the same bowl?

Not for very long. Male and female bettas fight when in the same tank or bowl. They can be placed together briefly for mating purposes.