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Its a consequence of modern living really..

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well some people just can . Even if they have low income

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes,because women are very emotional and some men are too but women are more emotional and it can turn into depression. Whennit comes to that men can also be very emotional but hidden

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Because people view and react to situations differently based on past experience.

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Q: Do men and women handle stress differently?
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How do men and women handle stress differently?

Women areΒ 

Why do females react differently to stress than males?

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Why does alcohol affect men differently then women?

Because men have a stronger matabilizm the women do so they can consume more than women as their body takes it in better and women have difference organs to men in which deal with alcohol differently to how mens organs deal with alcohol. -women are

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They think differently.

Why do women think differently than men?

It's because men's and women's brains are differently built (and the cause is testosterone). Neither one is superior over-all, but they both have advantages.

Are women's shoes shaped differently from men's shoes?

yes,it not same with the men shoes

Why are women in prison treated differently than men in prison?

Women are often treated differently than men in the military because women have been viewed as the weaker sex for many years. This causes men to want to protect them rather than work with them equally.

Is badminton played differently for men and women?

Nope, played the same.

Why does men ned more energy than women?

I'm not sure if he needs more energy than women. However, women might handle stress better than a man, thus it appears like she is not exerting more energy at times.

Why do women wear different underwear then men?

not all woman and men do. Also because we are made differently!

Is it true that men and women cannot handle problems?

Yes and no. Some men and some women handle problems very well. Others have a hard time handling even minor problems, but they are in the minority. Most men and most women have problems that they handle well, but there are some problems that they have trouble handling.

Do men forget about women quickly after a breakup?

Although it seems that men and women are wired differently, men may have a hard time after a break up, they are not made of stone :)