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Q: Do men and women need the same amount of calcium?
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How are teeth and egg shells the same?

By the amount of calcium they both have

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Is whole milk high in calcium but also high in fat?

All Milk has a high calcium rate. Whole milk would have the same amount of Calcium as 2%, but yes, it would have more fat

Do dogs need calcium?

Yes They do,Most Dogs Have it, But They Need It For The Same Reasons Humans Do.... So They Can Live

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Do you get the same amount of calories from dairy if you're lactose intolerant?

lactose free milk has the same calcium content as regular milk, barring additives

Do women get paid more for winning Wimbledon than men?

they get the same amount.

Salaries of men and women?

sadly men and women do get different amounts of money sometimes. But they are SUPPOST to have the same amount of money given to them if they are doing the same job.

What makes calcium different from all other elements?

Because it has the same kind of atoms through and through. Calcium doesn't contain anything else than calcium. And anything that consists of only one kind of atoms is an element.

Is the amount of water needed to survive different for women and men?

Generally yes, but that is only on the basis that "men are usually bigger than women, so need more water". However, a man and a women of the same body size will require a very similar amount of water to survive. It is not gender that determines how much water you require, it is size.

Are women better in karate men?

Woman and men are equally the same at karate if they practise the same amount of time.

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