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Not necessarily. He may have a little more testosterone but not enough to enable him to live longer or shorter years than other men.

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Q: Do men with deep voices live longer?
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why do women have deep voices like men

Why are dogs afraid of men?

a lot of dogs are afraid of men because of their height and deep voices. That can sound threatening and scary to many dogs, especially puppies. or the dog could have had a bad experience with a man and from then on they associate deep voices and broad shoulders, namely men, with bad things. Hope this helps!!

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Actually, women in most places live longer than men. Why? It is simply biology.

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How long men live?

Men can live up too about 120 years old. If a man is really healthy, men might live longer.

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most men go and work all day so girls can work in the house and threefold men don't live longer because of that but i do agree that women live longer

Do men have deeper voices?

Nine times out of ten, men have deeper voices that women.

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In average Australian men live longer than Australian women true or faulse?

Australian women usally live longer

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known fact on spike TV menswear's "Breast implants can let a women live longer"

Do girls like boys with deep voices?

Preference for deep voices can vary among individuals, but generally, some girls may find deep voices attractive in boys as they can perceive them as confident and masculine. However, it's important to remember that personal preferences and attraction go beyond just physical traits like voice pitch.

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I believe they live longer in rural areas of Russia,