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Ok my daughter is going to put micros in my hair Tuesday next week and I'm useing this treatment called grandmas secerts cause my hair is damaged really bad... my hair used to be in the center of my back.. now its at my shoulders.... can micros make my hair grow if I keep using the hair products I have. It have rosemary. Vitamin A,D,E olive oil. Coconut oil. Castor oil. Canola oil. Safflower. Sesame oil peanut oil jojoba oil and many more.... can u please help.

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Hair grease does not make the hair grow. It suffocates the scalp and hinders any oxygen or a good circulation of blood in the scalp therefore actually reducing the likeliness that your hair will grow. HAIR GREASE DOES NOT MAKE OR HELP YOUR HAIR GROW AT ALL NO MATTER WHAT THE BOTTLE SAYS.

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Hair extensions do not make your hair grow. Extensions are applied to your scalp which probably won't help your hair grow. I would probably work with your hair naturally keeping it conditioned not in pony tails, buns, braids all the time and eating the right things to help your hair grow.

What do put in your hair to make it grow?

Putting your hair in a bun can help your hair grow faster. If you put in a bun everyday, it may help it grow a little more than half an inch each month.

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some people say when u wash ur hair often it can make hair grow fast,india people believe if eat lot onion can make hair grow lot

How do you make your hair grow fast after shaving it all off?

Sleep. It won't actually help the hair grow faster, you're stuck with that. But it will help pass the time.

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No. Cutting hair will not help it grow, nor will shaving make hair grow in thicker. Hair grows at varying rates depending on changes in internal body chemistry.

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No it doesn't. Cutting your hair doesn't make it grow faster