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Yes. There are no rules exempting anyone from being sworn in (taking an oath) to tell the truth in court.

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Q: Do military officers have to swear an oath in a courtroom?
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Do the police have to sign the oath?

Law enforcement officers either 'swear an oath' verbally or by signing their names, depending on the situation and what "oath" is being referred to.

Do you have to swear an oath to get into America?

Yes you do. You must swear an oath of loyalty.

Why does brutus wants to swear an oath to the conspirators?

Because he seems to think everyone there is loyal and there is no use for them to swear an oath

Why does brutus want to swear an oath with the conspirators?

Because he seems to think everyone there is loyal and there is no use for them to swear an oath

What is the oath that all soldiers in the us military make?

The oath that all soldiers in the US military make is the Oath of Enlistment or the Oath of Office, depending on their status. The Oath of Enlistment is taken by enlisted personnel and includes a commitment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Oath of Office is taken by officers and includes a pledge to support and defend the Constitution and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same.

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They had to swear an oath of loyalty.

What is the military's oath?

The Oath of Enlistment is required for all persons enlisting or re-enlisting in the United States Military. It goes as follows: "I (Your Name), do solemnly swear that I will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

What is a question with the word oath?

If you are willing to answer these questions truthfully, will you swear to that using this oath?

Why won't Brutus let the conspirators swear an oath?

That the murder of Caesar will be the oath.

According to Brutus why dont the conspirators need to swear to an oath?

The murder will be the oath.

What are the Synonyms for oath?

pledge, promise, swear

What oath does Achilles swear?

He swears to with draw from battle.