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Mockingbirds actually do raid other bird's nest, and sometimes kill other birds.

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Q: Do mockingbirds raid other birds nests?
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Honey badgers use their tails to climb trees to raid the nests of birds.

Why does a mockingbird mock?

Yes, and the sounds of human activities as well.There are actually quite a few types of birds that mock sounds they hear. My Cockatiel mocks the stove beeps, a cat food can being opened, my cats, the sound of humans swallowing.

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No. Kookaburras are not nest raiders. They make their own nests in tree hollows, or in hollows within termite nests up in trees. They will use their strong beak to dig out the hollows to enlarge the space. They lay their own eggs in their own nests, and do not raid the nests of other bird species. However, kookaburras have been known to eat the chicks of other birds on occasion. This is not their normal diet, as they prefer to swoop down and collect small reptiles from the ground.

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Do bees have any threats?

Yes they do. They have parasites (veroa) and other insects predate them. Also bears and honey badgers come and raid their nests for the honey. They defend themselves with their sings.

Are all woodpeckers Woodpecker diurnal?

Diurnal woodpeckers often create nests in trees, which honey badgers will climb to raid the nest.