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In the United States, we drive on the right side of the road. Most countries with British influence drive on the left side of the road.

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Q: Do more people drive on the left or the right side of the road?
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Do more people drive on the left or right throughout the world?

Either, depending on the country you're driving in. It's important to get it right. A larger percentage of the world drive on the right. Only around 35% of the world drive on the left.

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More people write with there right than they do with there left.

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What side of the car is the steering wheel on in Spain?

The Spanish as most people in the world, drive on the left side of the car, the countries thaT drive on the right had side are UK, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, and maybe two or more, but in Europe every one drives on the left hand side of the car.

Is it more common to swerve left or right?

it is more common for drivers to swerve to the right when driving a right wheel drive, or left if left wheel drive, because they automatically try to protect themselves from the oncoming collision, but that is only for a stationary object. if you are talking about anything, then it depends where the object is.

Is there more left hand people in the world or right?

Right handed

Is there more right hand drive cars than left hand drive?

No, most of the worlds cars have the steering wheel on the LEFT side of the car. Although there are some high-population countries that drive on the left such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria it is outweighed by countries such as China, USA and Brazil who drive on the right. It is ESTIMATED that a third of cars in the world have the steering wheel on the right.

Why do some countries drive on the left hand side of the road?

Most people are right handed. Therefore it makes more sense to control the steering wheel with your right hand and use your left for gears. Japan produces most of the worlds cars and they are right hand drive. Though it has been noted that people in LHD vehicles have less accidents, possibly because the right eye is dominant and is more capable of detecting hazards and using the rear view mirror.

Are more people on the world right footed or left footed?

right footed

Can you convert a left hand drive challenger to right hand drive?

It can be done, but it very well could be more hassle than it's worth.

Is polo played with a left or right hand?

Which ever hand you feel more comfortable with. Which means that more people would use a right hand, because more people are right handed.

How many people are right handed in hockey rather than left handed?

Approximately 60-65% of hockey players are right-handed, meaning they shoot the puck with their right hand on the lower part of the stick. The remaining 35-40% are left-handed shooters.