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Q: Do moslems like ouher people
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Do Moslems kill people?

Some Muslims do kill people, sometimes for the same reason as anyone kills a person and sometimes for their religion, but not all Muslims kill people. Moslem terrorists are trained to kill the infadels. All those who are not moslems, mainly Jews and Christians. They want all who are not moslems dead. The radical terrorists have twisted the religion of Islam. Mainstream moslems are peace loving.

Are people who practice Islam are called?

Muslims. Not Mozlems or Moslems

Why do the non-Muslims usually treat Muslims like animals?

Pro-Moslem AnswerBecause they hate the Islam and know that Islam is a true and good religion that's why they hate the Muslims and its not a good and right behaviour.Pro-Westerner AnswerWhen are you talking about and which countries are you talking about? In the United States, India, Japan, Germany, Argentina, and Canada, Non-Moslems treat Moslems as equals affording them every right of citizenship (for those who choose to naturalize) including voting, freedom of settlement, choice of faith and manifestation of that faith. Most non-Moslems harbor no ill-will towards Moslems as people. If they harbor negativity towards Islam, it is because of the political manifestations of Islam like Islamism and Terrorism.There are some countries, like France and Switzerland who have imposed dress codes or building codes that apply unevenly to Moslems than non-Moslems and these things are done because the people in these countries find that Moslems refuse to assimilate and practice a cultural form of Islam (which is different from religious Islam) that is incompatible with Western Traditions of Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, Women's Rights, and other fundamental pillars of Western Society.

What day of the week and how many times a week do Moslems go to church?

Moslems attend a mosque, not a church. And they attend it on Fridays.

What are the Barbary pirates religion?

They were moslems

What are Moslems religion?

They practice Islam.

Who is the prophet of moslems?

Mohammed Rasoolullah

Who worships in a mosque?

Moslems (or Muslims)

Are the Taliban religious?

Yes, they are Fundamentalist Moslems.

Majority of Moslems today are known as what?


What is the name of the book the Moslems read out of?

The Qur'an

What religious group believes they are God's chosen people?

Jews. Note that Christians and Moslems (at least some) believe that they have supplanted the Jews in that role.