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No. I have a TON of mosquitoes outside of my apartment and I tried to use a half/half water/vinegar solution and sprayed the living daylights out of the area they seemed to be, and they did not go away. Perhaps a bleach concoction would be better. That will be my next step.

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Q: Do mosquitoes repel with vinegar
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Does vinegar kill mosquitoes?

No, vinegar will not actually kill mosquitoes. However, it will keep mosquitoes away. This is because mosquitoes are not attracted to the vinegar smell, therefore, they are deterred.

Do bounce dryer sheets repel mosquitoes?

There have been studies done and a dryer sheet does help repel mosquitoes. You can use any brand or scent and it will repel mosquitoes for several hours.

Do wax myrtles repel mosquitoes?

Wax myrtles will repel mosquitoes, and rubbing the crushed wax myrtle leaves on your skin will repel the mosquitoes. Wax myrtles are quick-growing, aromatic, bird-friendly, and make a good plant screen.

How do you use repel in a sentence?

This new product is designed to repel mosquitoes before they get anywhere near you.

Can a mosquitoes be a mammal?

Hey! Are you interested in knowing Malaria, the site has coverd everyting you can visit. repel-mosquitoes com

Does Lysol really repel mosquitoes?

It has not been proven that Lysol will repel mosquitoes. You also do not want to spray Lysol on your skin.

Can sound repel mosquitoes?

yes there are such thing as sound based mosquito repelants

What it is in the citronella oil that can repel mosquito?

The scent of the citronella can repel mosquitoes, depending on concentration. The oil can also be used to smother larvae and eggs.

Does deodorant repel insects?

No, deodorant doesn't repel insects. In fact, it attracts them. Mosquitoes in particular are attracted by pleasant scents such as perfume, soap and deodorant.

Do cigarette smoke repel mosquitoes?

Smoke only repels mosquitoes. Mosquitoes leave the place where there is smoke primarily the smoke made by dry leaves of any kind. Smoke from burning papers for card boards will hardly repel mosquitoes. Smoke from Coconut shell and the outer hairy content (i dont know the exact term of it) which is removed from coconut before using it will make mosquitoes vacate the area temporily. All these are temporary solutions.

What component of lemonsito or calamondin can repel mosquitoes?

The main component of lemonsito and calamondin are natural repellents to mosquitoes. These are commonly used ingredients in liquid mosquito repellents.

Does Avon skin so soft repel mosquitos?

Yes, Avon's Skin So Soft lotion does repel mosquitoes. The product was not made as a bee repellent, but has been proven to repel the pesky critters in the summertime.