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No many adult aged live alone. Helen Keller needed one because she was also mute so was like an animal until communication established and this was before advances in braille, sign language etc etc

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1mo ago

Not necessarily. Deaf individuals, like anyone else, may or may not have a caretaker based on their specific needs and circumstances. Some deaf individuals may benefit from support services or assistance, while others may not require a caretaker.

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Q: Do most deaf people have a caretaker?
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What percentage of deaf people have deaf parents?

Most people would claim that approximately 10% of Deaf people have Deaf parents Schein (1989). However, more recent surveys have found that approximately 4.4% of deaf and hard of hearing children and youth come from families with deaf parent (Mitchell & Karchmer, 2002).

Why do deaf people lose language?

Deaf people do not lose language, they can read just the same as a hearing person and can also lip read and sign. Also most deaf people can also speak a little too. However, if the person is deaf from birth it is harder to learn language.

When did Mozart come deaf?

Mozart was deaf but he never was. Most people believe he was deaf In fact my sister asked my mum if Mozart was deaf i think she has been watching Night at the Museum!

What is proper etiquette of communication for hearing people when around deaf people?

The most polite way is to communicate using sign language, because bothe the hearing people and deaf people can see and it is the best way for both to benefit. If people try to talk to deaf people when they know they're deaf, this is extremely rude.

What can deaf people do?

To Sign Language with deaf people

Why do deaf people sign if they can speak vocally?

Being able to speak vocally works OK when a deaf person is speaking TO a hearing person but when both people are deaf neither can hear what the other person is saying. Signing therefore enables communication between deaf people and would be a better way for a hearing person to say something TO a deaf person. If you can hear why don't you learn how to sign!

How do deaf people handle relationships?

they did to go out with deaf people

Can deaf people get married?

Yes, deaf people can get married.

Are deaf people blind?

No,deaf people are not blind.There are people that are both though.

Are there deaf violinist?

yes! deaf people can do anything like hearing people do.

What percent of deaf people who marry are married to other deaf people?


How many deaf people live in the UK?

304000000.58673 people are deaf. partially deaf people are done in a % which accounts for the decimal place number