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Q: Do most germs into the body through the skin true or false?
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Can germs travel through your spine?

This would be a rare situation, but if germs get into the cerebro-spinal fluid, then they would be able to travel through the spine.

Why do most pathogens do not infect skin?

do most germs enter the body through the skin Answer this question…

How are diseases spred?

the way most germs spread is by breathing the germs out of your mouth, so somebody else breaths it in and the germs get in their body.

Where do germs go to hide?

germs go and hide on anything really. the most common place is on doorknobs. Most people think that germs only hide on disgusting things but really they are every where. Without germs our body wouldn't be immune to diseases.

When did hand washing become important?

Washing of hand became important when it was scientifically proven that hands are the most exposed part of the body that is easily prone to contamination by germs. It was also important when it was realized most of the illnesses are caused through germs like cold through handshakes or even stomach infections.It was through this findings that hand washing become important.

What are the top 10 dirtiest places on the body?

I don't know the top 10, but the dirtiest (most germs) is the mouth.

What color is germs?

What color are germs? Germs can be many different colors. But most germs are a very clear green color. Germs get their color by the type of germ or it is. The most common type of germs is bacteria. Bacteria is a type of germ. That is why there are more clearly green colored germs.

Does salt kill germs?

Yes, it kills most germs.

The largest amount of carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream in the form of carbonic anhydrase?

most carbon dioxide in the bloodstream is transported as bicarbonate through the blood back to the body

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This answer is true!

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