

Best Answer

No.... That's disgusting.....

No one needs condoms in middle school......

its high school where there's condoms...

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Q: Do most middle schools allow kids free codoms?
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Do middle schools have free periods?

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What middle schools have free periods?

Mostly only private schools.

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they shouldn't

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Why not allow? its better if they allow it during any work or free time because it helps people concentrate, as long as they use headphones and no one else can hear it.

What are some middle schools with free periods?

the answer would of course be given after you tell us in whihc country... or do you mean generally?

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middle schools are bigger than elementary and you tend to bump into people as you walk in the long hallways. middle schools contain more people then elementary. i go to middle school and i find it to be very cool. though in middle school you might get tired cuz you get alot of homework but other that that is cool and you feel free to do things

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Yes public schools are free.

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China has schools that give a free education rough middle school. High school must be paid for. Private schools are for wealthy families. Most of the colleges only take students that speak Chinese.

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all public schools are free,not only in Switzerland

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Technically, yes. There are public schools. But they tend to be considered really crappy, so anyone who can afford it usually puts their kid in private school (usually anyone from middle class and up)

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There is free education and most schools are free, but some schools are private and ones that people pay for.

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Public schools in Polands are free. Private schools in Poland are paid.