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No, hamsters only eat their young if they're ill in any way. Or hamsters eat their young if they have been touched by any human being. In this case, she will try to harm them. The baby has a different smell. The smell of a predator and she will do everything and anything to protect the lives of her other young. If this happens; separate the young from the mother immediatly. This puts the baby hamster at risk for survival but its the best thing at the time.

^^^ wrong! yes they do eat their babies if they think it will be a challenge or if you touch them. do NOT take the ababies away from the mother for they will not be able to survive. You cannot do anything about the mother eating them it is very common and don't freak out and take them away because they will die either way. Maybe the mother will leae some. Seperate the father from the mother and babies depending on the breed.

Hey, who ever wrote the second time, there wrong. I should know, I own a hamster breeding shop! The first person is exactly right!

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Q: Do most mother hamster eat their babies?
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Mother hamster is not resenting her babies, but when mother Hamster are afraid , they hide there children in their mouth. if the mother stayed scared, it will eat its babies! so its better when your hamster gives birth , to Never make any noise close to the cage.

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They might cause a fight, if same gender, If not the same gender, the they will (most likely) have babies, and when a female hamster has babies, you have to help the babies come out. And if you touch the hamster babies AT ALL, the mother will eat them. I don't recommend buying another hamster.

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If humans observe baby hamsters will the mother hamster eat the babies?

only if you touch the babies

Will a mother hamster suffocate her babies?

No, if she doesn't have enough living space, she will eat them.

Will a mother hamster really eat her babies?

yes, they do when they are under immense stress

Does the male hamster eat the baby hamsters?

No, usually the mother will eat her babies because she takes care of them.

How far can you take a baby hamster away from the mother?

You should never separate the babies from the mother, you can get your scent on them and she might eat them.

What does it mean when hamsters eat their babies?

it means that the hamster was either stressed by noise, or someone touched the babies, and the mother could not recognise their scent

Were do mum hamsters feed there baby hamster?

A mother hamster has multiple teats on her underbelly. The baby hamsters will latch on to these teats and feed on the mother's milk. After a few weeks the babies will start to eat regular hamster food.

If the hamster has stress will it get sick?

When a hamster gets stressed, many factors have already attributed to this since it has already happened. A lot of the time, a hamster will get sick when stressed. If you have a mother hamster who is stressed, then she might eat her babies.