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Neither. Not all animals hibernate or migrate. Fish and birds migrate and only a few mammals hibernate in regions with summer and winter.

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Q: Do mountain goats hibernate or migrate?
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Why do mountain goats migrate?

To look for food.

Do mountain lions hibernate or migrate?

Lions neither hibernate or migrate.Lions have a territory they live in and protect.

Why don't mountain lions hibernate or migrate?

mountain lions don't migrate because only birds migrate I think. But I don't know why they don't hibernate, I need to know that myself... Sorry, I can't help that much...

Do tigers migrate or hibernate?

They do not hibernate, and do not migrate, except for some Bengal tigers that follow herds of wild Goats and Sheep in the foothills of the Himalayas. Ascending to 14000 feet in the summer, and returning to the valleys in summer.

Do civets migrate or hibernate?

they hibernate.

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They do not migrate or hibernate.

Do pandas migrate or hibernate?

Unfortuantly pandas do not hibernate. Im not sure about migrate but my answer is none. They dont hibernate or migrate. Answered by Pepsi906

Do bald eagles migrate or hibernate?

they do not hibernate because they are birds and birds do not hibernate but the bald eagle does migrate

Does grey whale migrate or hibernate?

Whale migrate they do not and cannot hibernate.

Do white lions hibernate or migrate?

No, lions do not migrate nor do they hibernate.

Where do cape mountain zebras hibernate or migrate?

Horse species like zebras do not hibernate at all. Cape Mountain zebras usually do not wander more than 20 kilometers away from a water source, so they don't really migrate either.

Do migrate or hibernate?

Wallabies neither hibernate nor migrate.