

Do mounting bikes only work in the mountains?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Do mounting bikes only work in the mountains?
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They make cars and bikes work.

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yes and no .there are specific types of antifrezze for bikes but the geen stuff shuold work for everthing

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they do. But it will be a lot harder.

Are Mormons people that ride bikes all the time cause they don't believe in cars?

No, they don't ride the bikes because they don't believe in cars. They do drive cars, my friend is a mormon. They only ride bikes after they get out of college and they go door to door on bikes for what is called "missionary work" to get people to try and convert to being a mormon. You're probably thinking of the Amish who often eschew motorized transportation.

What is the synonym of mounting?

Depending upon the context, "escalating" or "increasing" may work. For example, "Tension is mounting between X and Y." "Tension is escalating between X and Y. This does not work in the sentence "I spent the day mounting pictures." I suggest "hanging" works in that context. In the sentence, "Bob fell while mounting his bicycle," "hanging" clearly doesn't work. In that case, "getting on" works well as a synonym.

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Dirt bikes don't have a speedometer.

Does mounting and balancing refer to installing the tires on to the car?

The process of mounting and balancing a set of tires is done with the tires off the vehicle but it is generally understood that the tires will be fitted to the vehicle after the work of mounting and balancing is done .

How do you pay off mounting debts?

Work like heck and quit spending.

What is better a go kart or dirt bike?

dirt bikes ! Although skate boards are good, bikes are funner and alot esyer to do jumps and tricks on but long mid boards, like z man and sector 9 are really funn