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I guess so because one is living under my shed! We live about 2 blocks from a lake so maybe it's a little bit lost... a few times a day I see him/her making a mad dash from the yard next door, on one side or the other, into the little space under our shed. Then it turns around and rests there with its head sticking out enjoying the day. It really is cute. I just hope it's not causing any damage...haven't gotten close enough to check out the situation yet.

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Q: Do muskrats attack humans in the water?
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Related questions

What eat water lilies?

Beavers, muskrats, ducks, porcupines, and snails eat water lilies

What do muskrats drink?

Muskrats drink water from ponds or the oceans

What threats are muskrats facing?

Muskrats live in wetlends, and humans are taking that away from them. But the upsides of this are taht humans are also building canals and irrigation channels, and muskrats may live there. Their conservation status *Population* isn't in any threat though.

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Do muskrats eat lilies?

Yes muskrats and beavers have been known to chew on water lilies.

Do muskrats attack people?

Yes muskrats can attack humans. For example, today I was walking with a friend, and saw what looked like a little beaver, lo and behold, it was a muskrat. So I jumped down in the gardened area it was in, to get a little closer. The next thing I knew, it was charging at me, and proceeded to jump at my legs- if it wasn't for my quick reflexes, I could have lost a limb- or worse, ripped my jeans! :S For the furtherance of your muskrat knowledge- they can, and do attack.

What pond creature eats water lilies?

Beavers, muskrats, ducks, porcupines, and snails eat water lilies. Other animals, such as deers and even humans eat the inside of water lilies-the seeds inside.

Do piranhas attack humans?

no piranhas do not attack people they just eat the meat

Is it true that animals like to eat lilies?

Yes! Beavers, muskrats, ducks, porcupines, and snails eat water lilies. Other animals, such as deers and even humans eat the inside of water lilies-the seeds inside.

How do muskrats get their food?

Muskrats eat mostly water plants, but also prey on freshwater mussels, other invertebrates, and small fish that they grasp with their forepaws and teeth.

Why do Tasmanian devils attack humans?

Tasmanian devils do not attack humans.

Do muskrats eat animals?

muskrats eat mice,