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Q: Do names have to be mentioned in a statement for it to be slander?
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What does the word slander mean in the first amendment?

The word slander isn't in the first amendment but the definition is a malicious, false, and defamatory statement.

What is Writing a false statement about someone called?

Libel. Spoken is slander.

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What false statement means about some one according to the law?

Slander is the making of a false statement spoken statement about someone that is damaging to his or her reputation.

Is this slander if you write a book about a fictional girl with asperger syndrome who hurt people in a rage attack in a fictional town?

No, this isn't termed as slander. Slander is a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report about something.

What part of speech is slanderer?

Slander is a noun (a defamatory statement) and a verb (to defame).

The meaning of slander?

Make a false oral statement that damages a person's reputation.

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Can a prior landlord call new landlord 2 months after tenant leaves?

You might be asking if this is slander. It is slander, if someone says something about you, to another, and that statement is false, and causes you some loss. If what he tells the new landlord is true, there is likely no cause of action for slander.

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Their names are not mentioned in The Bible