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Q: Do not let grass grow on the path of friendship?
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What does do not let grass grow on the path of friendship mean?


How do you thicken up grass?

let it grow

Where do grass seeds come from?

My husband and I had this discussion on the weekend. So I lloked it up and this is what I found out. If you let the grass grow long enough it will grow seeds. I usually keep our grass short so I never noticed.

Name something you think people let grow way to long?

Hair, nails, grass,

What is the one word for the sentence He was undecided- he let the grass grow under his feet?

Procrastination; he procrastinated.

Should you let grass grow long at end of summer?

It doesn't really matter. It just depends what you want.

How do you grow the grass around the birdbath in virtual families?

I think that you just let the rain or birdbath water water the grass around it and it will start turning green 😊🌾

How does grass make seeds?

If you let it grow and do not cut it, it will sprout stemmy seed heads (called inflorescences) that will produce seeds.

In Pokemon how do you grow friendship levels?

you give it massages and poffins and stuff like that and give it proyiens and berries plus dont let it feint in battle

Is hay made from normal grass?

Hay is made from grasses that are planted and grown specifically for animal feed. The plants are allowed to grow to a certain level of maturity then cut, let to sun dry, then baled. Hay can also be made from several species of legumes such as Alfalfa , clover, and a few others.

How do you grow grass on Animal Crossing DS?

You cannot grow grass in Animal Crossing DS. If by any chance you mean City Folk, you have to try to play without walking on the grass or something. (This is for City Folk) I think if you just load your character, save and quit, and change the date day by day loading your character, that will probably make the grass go back.

How do you shoot cumshot?

if you hold back as long as you can let the feeling grow in your groin and let fly you can shoot further if you are really turned on you can cum furthur do it in the shower with a clear path ahead of you though