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A power plant uses fossil fuels to produce the energy. When the fossil fuels such as gasoline and coal is burned it releases chemicals into the air. Fossil fuels themselves don't cause pollution because they are objects in the ground. The fuels are burned inside the power plants which is where the chemicals and pollution comes from. The power plant doesn't cause pollution either because it simply takes the energy produced and distributes it. The pollution is caused during the chemical reaction of the heat of fire reacting with the petroleum fumes or the coal rocks. The chemicals and gas are simply products. So for a straight forward answer neither one produces pollution. The pollution comes from the chemical reaction. But in regards as to where the pollution come from it comes from the power plants because the fossil fuels don't give off pollution.

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1w ago

Nuclear power plants generate less air pollution than fossil fuel plants because they do not emit carbon dioxide or other harmful greenhouse gases during operation. However, they do produce low levels of radioactive waste that needs careful disposal.

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9y ago

No, that is why they are used. They do not put out CO2.

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Q: Do nuclear power plants generate more or less air pollution than fossil fuel plants?
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What fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants both heat water in order to turn on?

Both fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants use heat to produce steam by heating water. This steam is then used to drive turbines that generate electricity. Fossil fuel plants heat water by burning coal, oil, or natural gas, while nuclear plants use nuclear reactions to produce heat.

What is an advantage of using nuclear power over natural gas to generate electricity?

One advantage of using nuclear power over natural gas is that nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases during operation, making them a cleaner source of energy. Additionally, nuclear power plants have a higher energy density and can generate a large amount of electricity from a smaller amount of fuel compared to natural gas plants.

How are nuclear power plants different from other plants?

Nuclear power plants generate electricity through nuclear fission reactions, while other traditional power plants typically use fossil fuels like coal, oil, or natural gas. Nuclear plants produce energy by splitting atoms, creating heat to generate steam which drives a turbine to produce electricity. This process does not release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, but it does produce radioactive waste that must be managed carefully.

Nations built nuclear electricity-generating plants because?

Nations built nuclear electricity-generating plants because they can provide a reliable source of power that produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, nuclear power plants can generate large amounts of electricity consistently, helping to meet increasing energy demands.

Can nuclear plants help conserve energy?

Nuclear plants produce energy rather than conserve it. They generate electricity by harnessing the energy released from nuclear reactions. While they can help meet energy demands without relying on fossil fuels, they do not directly contribute to energy conservation efforts.

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Which type of power plants generate the least amount of pollution?

nuclear power plants

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The problem of disposing large amounts of nuclear waste is not resolved.

Compare a power plant that burns fossil fuels with a nuclear power plant?

Both power plants generate electricity, but a fossil fuel power plant burns coal, oil, or gas to produce heat that boils water into steam to drive a turbine, while a nuclear power plant uses nuclear reactions to heat water into steam. Nuclear plants produce no greenhouse gas emissions, while fossil fuel plants do. However, nuclear plants produce radioactive waste that needs to be safely managed for a long time.

What fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants both heat water in order to turn on?

Both fossil fuel plants and nuclear plants use heat to produce steam by heating water. This steam is then used to drive turbines that generate electricity. Fossil fuel plants heat water by burning coal, oil, or natural gas, while nuclear plants use nuclear reactions to produce heat.

What do nuclear plants use instead of fossil fuels?

Nuclear plants use fissionable material to generate heat instead of burning fossil fuel for the same purpose. The fissionable fuel is in the core of a nuclear reactor, and this core and the associated elements of the nuclear plant allow us to tap nuclear energy via nuclear fission.

Do nuclear power plants make electricity from fossil fuel?

No. Nuclear power plants use a uranium to provide the heat to generate electricity from. By splitting the nuclei of uranium atoms (called nuclear fission), energy is released, which will be used for electricity generation. Uranium is a radioactive metal, not a fossil fuel.

Does Nuclear Power save energy?

Nuclear power plants generate electricity without burning fossil fuels, so do not release CO2, which causes climate change.

What is an advantage of using nuclear power over natural gas to generate electricity?

One advantage of using nuclear power over natural gas is that nuclear power plants do not emit carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases during operation, making them a cleaner source of energy. Additionally, nuclear power plants have a higher energy density and can generate a large amount of electricity from a smaller amount of fuel compared to natural gas plants.

How are nuclear power plants different from other plants?

Nuclear power plants generate electricity through nuclear fission reactions, while other traditional power plants typically use fossil fuels like coal, oil, or natural gas. Nuclear plants produce energy by splitting atoms, creating heat to generate steam which drives a turbine to produce electricity. This process does not release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, but it does produce radioactive waste that must be managed carefully.

Nations built nuclear electricity-generating plants because?

Nations built nuclear electricity-generating plants because they can provide a reliable source of power that produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, nuclear power plants can generate large amounts of electricity consistently, helping to meet increasing energy demands.

Nuclear energy that is used to power nuclear powerplants?

Nuclear power plants generate electricity through nuclear fission reactions, where the splitting of uranium atoms releases energy in the form of heat. This heat is then used to generate steam, which drives turbines to produce electricity. Unlike fossil fuel plants, nuclear power plants do not emit greenhouse gases during operation.

Can nuclear plants help conserve energy?

Nuclear plants produce energy rather than conserve it. They generate electricity by harnessing the energy released from nuclear reactions. While they can help meet energy demands without relying on fossil fuels, they do not directly contribute to energy conservation efforts.