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Yes; but the amount is so small it is not of any consequence.

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Q: Do onions contain trace amount of opium?
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What are the disadvantage of onion?

They can cause bad breath when eaten; and they can cause itchy or watery eyes while cutting and preparing them.Aside from those two minor disadvantages; the benefits of onions are plentiful. They are notably rich in vitamins and minerals and have been used in the treatment of many variety of illness.On a side note: Onions have gotten a lot of bad press for containing opium (or morphine). The reality however is that the opium in an onion is a very small trace amount; so small that it would take thousands of onions to even begin to create even a single dose that would have an effect on a human. It would also need to be extracted and prepared first, you could not eat enough volume of thousands of onions at once to ever reach the point where your body would react to an onion the way it reacts to a dosage of opium at a drug level.

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No. The label says "not a significant source of iron," meaning that there's none there, or only a trace amount.

What if you are not a user of opium but you are around someone that is will it stay in your system?

No, unless opium is smoked and you didnt ingest any there should be no trace amounts of it in your system after a few hours

What does a trace amount refer to?

A trace amount refers to a very small amount compared to the things that have been stated.

Does opium come from white poppies?

Wait until the petals fall from the seed pod, leaving a ball shape pod. Scratch the surface of the pod with a pin, very lightly (if you scratch too deep, it will ruin the opium) or about 1/12 inch. I thick, white sap will come out. That is opium. Let the wounds seep for a few hours. Come back and the opium should have dried, then scrape it off of the pod. This is crude opium

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Yes, exhaled air contains trace amounts of water vapour.people breathe out carbon dioxide

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Only in incidental trace amounts.