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Yes. The only way to get flaming armor is to work at Bungie or be closely acquainted with someone who works there. The flaming armor is, strangely enough, a chest piece like the Katana.

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Q: Do only Bungie employees get flaming armor in halo 3?
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How do you unlock the flaming halo 3 armor?

This is impossible. Flaming armor is caused by a chest plate similar to Hayabusa that only Bungie employees have.

What is the cheat in Halo 3 for all armor?

there is no permanent cheats in halo 3. you need to unlock them by achievments. and, you can not get the flaming armor effect, it is only for bungie employees. in halo reach, buy the legendary package to get that armor effect.

Does halo 3 have any secret armor?

Well There's the Recon Armor but you have to work for Bungie or Win it or Do all the Vidmaster Challenges but you Need XBOX LIVE. Then theres the Bungie Armor and Flaming Recon and Flaming Hayabusa Head Pieces But you have to work at Bungie.

How do you get flaming armor in halo 3?

Work for Bungie or You can get it for 1 day only on Bungie day (7 Day of the 7th Month)

How do you get flaming hayabussa armor on Halo 3?

umm.. you have to beat the flaming dragon?? stupid edit: Sarah-cloud umm, theres no way to get it unless bungie gives it to you, its a helmet bungie members use for there characters,

What is the coolist looking armor in Halo 3?

This is based on opinion. However the Bungie chest plate will give a user a flaming head. Very cool indeed. This is only obtainable by working at Bungie Studios, the creators of Halo 3.

How do you get the flaming helmet in halo reach?

Work for bungie, or buy the legendary edition of halo: reach.

How do you get flaming helmet in halo reach?

I know the exact answer to this 1.purchase the legendary edition 2.put in secret code 3.look awsome on the battle field so if U dont have the LE then U cant get it. P.S not only bungie dudes have flaming heads anymore

How do you get recon armor Halo 3?

bet one of the bungie members

Is recon armor in Halo 3 free?

When HALO 3: ODST comes out, you can either complete all vidmaster achievements or you can HEX EDIT your profile to unlock all achievements. send me a film and I can mod it for you and Give you any armor you want including the flaming BUNGIE chest piece and RECON. [FOR SHOWS ONLY] BUNGIE armor film limit 10 -18 seconds and must be FILM not CLIP.

How do you get blue head fire for halo reach on the x-box 360 early because you have a I-pad I-phone or I-pod touch?

You can't not anymore. it was only for bungie employees. but before bungie gave the rights for halo to 343I, Bungie celebrated there final days with halo fans by giving them the blue flaming head thing. lol. but it was only for a certain amount of time. now its gone sorry

Whats the best way to get recon armor in halo 3?

get a job at bungie.