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No. Live oaks (Quercus virginiana) are considered evergreen, as they retain their leaves through the winter, but they lose them in the spring, after new growth has started. They drop a lot of leaves!

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Q: Do only deciduous trees lose their leaves?
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What trees lose their leaves in the winter?

Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the autumn. Mostly these are broadleaf trees, but some conifers are also deciduous. In New Zealand, there are only a couple of species that mostly lose their leaves in the winter. The generalization that broadleaf trees lose their leaves in the winter is a northern hemisphere misbelief.

How are deciduous trees and coniferous trees different?

deciduous have leaves and coniferous have pines and needles. The term conifer means cone-shaped. The term deciduous means that the tree loses it leaves every fall. The only species of conifers that are deciduous are Larches. If the tree in question has broad leaves, nearly all of them are deciduous.

What kind of tree loses it's leave in Autumn?

Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the autumn. Mostly these are broadleaf trees, but some conifers are also deciduous. In New Zealand, there are only a couple of species that mostly lose their leaves in the winter. The generalization that broadleaf trees lose their leaves in the winter is a northern hemisphere misbelief.

Why is there little vegetation on the ground level of the coniferous forest?

There is little vegetation because only deciduous trees lose their leaves. Leaves decompose and bring nitrogen compounds into the soil and vegetation appears. Coniferous trees do NOT lose their leaves. Therefore if you were to compare the two, vegetation would happen in the deciduous forest.

Coniferous trees lose their leaves during one season?

answ2. This Laurasian myth regarding deciduous trees deserves correction.a) Not all conifers are evergreen, though most are. Conifer merely means 'cone-bearing'.b) not all broadleaf trees are deciduous. In lands of Gondwanaland descent, most trees are evergreen, Monocots and Dicots alike. In New Zealand, only two species of tree are sometimes deciduous, out of many hundreds.A1. No, coniferous trees have needles that can survive better through the winter without wasting energy doing so, deciduous trees lose their leaves because it take to much energy to do so.

Is the deciduous forest near the north or south pole?

It is an evergreen forest. Both poles grow only coniferous trees. The climates at both poles can only grow trees that do not lose their leaves.

Forest dominated by climax communities of trees that lose their leaves every autumn?

Trees that lose all their leaves once a year are called deciduous whereas trees which lose their leaves continuously and not all at once are called evergreen.In temperate regions that experience cold winters, many tree species lose their leaves with the onset of the cooler weather in autumn (fall). These deciduous forests once covered large areas of temperate Asia, Europe and North America. Superb autumnal leaf colours can be seen in the deciduous forests of Canada and New England. They are not the only regions where deciduous trees are common however, and tree species in many sub-tropical and tropical regions which experience a strongly seasonal rainfall, also lose their leaves once a year with the onset of the dry season e.g. the African Acacia trees. Such trees are common in the savannas and woodlands of Africa, South America and Asia.

What is living in the deciduous forest?

everything deciduous only means it is composed mainly of trees that loose their leaves annually as opposed to trees in colder regions called evergreens that do not loose their leaves

What plants lose their leaves in autumn?

trees drop their leaves as a way of keeping moisture in therefore to keep from drying out. this only happens to deciduous trees, it does not happen to evergreen trees though, their leaves stay on all year long keeps though dropping their leaves and instantly re-growing them in spring.

What is the difference between a deciduous tree and coniferous tree?

Coniferous trees bear cones as their seed pods. Softwood comes from Coniferous trees and hardwood comes from Deciduous trees. Coniferous trees have needles, deciduous trees have leaves. Coniferous trees never completely shed their needles, while deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn for the winter (and grow new ones in the spring). Coniferous trees stay green all year round, also known as evergreens.

What part of a green plant loses the most chloroplasts at the end of the summer?

In deciduous trees and plants in general it is the leaves falling off in the winter that carry the chloroplasts lost at this change of season.

Is maize deciduous?

No, because it only grows for one year. To be deciduous it needs to live for may years and lose its leaves in winter.