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Of course orphaned kids have last names, everybody does, but if you are looking for last names then here are some (If they are orphaned kids then you usually presume that they are from a lower-class family - or that normally come to mind), but here are just some random ones that I made up, but you could always take half of two words and put them together to make one, sometimes I do that, or you could take last names from people you know. Anyway, here are some examples of last names that you cold use:

Smith, Thomson, Green, Brown, White (these are the easy ones), Lucia (Pronounced Loo-Cee-A), Witbree, Stoneson (That's adding two words together on that one).

I think you get the idea, but you can just make them up, just don't make them with too much pun in them or anything, otherwise it wont sound realistic at all - just because its fiction doesn't mean it can't have some truth in it, otherwise it sounds too unreal, and readers don't like that.

In England all foundling boys were named Smith, all girls named Jones. That why there is so many of them.
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Q: Do orphanage kids have last names and I am trying to write a story but its kinda hard can I have some Ideas too?
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