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Of course we do. Formal schooling for children has existed among Jews for over 2,000 years (Talmud, Bava Batra 21b), long before the Western nations implemented it in the last couple of centuries. And higher learning dates back to Abraham (Talmud, Yoma 28b).

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14y ago

A Jew can attend Catholic school, catholic schools welcome people of all religions and offer many advantages. He or she may be excused during lessons or activities especially pertaining to the catholic faith or against religious beliefs of said individual if parent or student wishes so.

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12y ago

Yes. There is something called a yeshiva which is a Jewish day school. Classes are usually split between English (secular studies) and Hebrew (Hebrew language as well as Gemara, Tanakh, Talmud, and Halacha).

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6y ago

No Jews "have to" go to Hebrew school. However, Hebrew school or its variations are often available to all branches of Judaism. Parents are especially likely to send their kids when they don't live in a particularly Jewish area.

Other variations of the term Hebrew school are:


Religious School


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12y ago

There is no specific requirement for Jews of any observance level to go to Hebrew school.

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